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Job Listings
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Job TitlePosting DateTypeLocation
3rd Grade Teacher09/05/2024LicensedWest Oxford Elementary SchoolApply
Exceptional Children's Teacher - Self-Contained08/16/2024LicensedNorthern Granville Middle SchoolApply
Exceptional Children Birth - Kindergarten Pre-k Itinerant Teacher08/15/2024LicensedTar River Elementary SchoolApply
Speech-Language Pathologist08/12/2024LicensedButner-Stem Elementary SchoolApply
English Teacher08/09/2024LicensedGranville Early College High SchoolApply
School Counselor08/07/2024LicensedSouth Granville High SchoolApply
Assistant Principal08/02/2024LicensedJ. F. Webb High SchoolApply
EC Inclusion Teacher08/02/2024LicensedGranville Central High SchoolApply
School Counselor08/01/2024LicensedNorthern Granville Middle SchoolApply
8th Math Teacher07/23/2024LicensedG. C. Hawley Middle SchoolApply
Exceptional Children's Teacher (General Curriculum)07/23/2024LicensedButner-Stem Middle SchoolApply
7th Grade Science Teacher07/18/2024LicensedNorthern Granville Middle SchoolApply
Math Teacher07/17/2024LicensedSouth Granville High SchoolApply
Exceptional Children's Teacher (Self-Contained)07/15/2024LicensedC. G. Credle Elementary SchoolApply
Math Teacher07/02/2024LicensedJ. F. Webb High SchoolApply
7th Math/Science Teacher07/02/2024LicensedG. C. Hawley Middle SchoolApply
ESL Teacher06/20/2024LicensedGCPS Academic (C&I) Dept.Apply
Social Studies/ Foreign Language Teacher06/14/2024LicensedJ. F. Webb High SchoolApply
Exceptional Children's Teacher (General Curriculum)06/07/2024LicensedMt. Energy Elementary SchoolApply
EC Self-Contained Teacher05/31/2024LicensedGranville Central High SchoolApply
Exceptional Children's Teacher (Extended Curriculum)04/26/2024LicensedJ. F. Webb High SchoolApply
Social Studies Teacher04/25/2024LicensedGranville Central High SchoolApply
CTE Teacher - Health Sciences/CNA Instructor02/28/2024LicensedSouth Granville High SchoolApply
Family and Consumer Science CTE Teacher01/02/2024LicensedGranville Central High SchoolApply
Speech-Language Pathologist02/22/2023LicensedGCPS Exceptional Childrens Dept.Apply
School Psychologist09/06/2022LicensedGCPS Student Support ServicesApply